FAQ’s about Newborn Sessions


How many days old does my baby have

to be for a newborn session?

I ask our newborns to be between 7-14 days old for their session. This keeps them in that super sleepy phase and allows me to wrap and pose them without startling them.

What days do you photograph newborns?

I photograph all newborn sessions on Tuesday through Friday and we start at 9am, and I usually block off around 3-4 hours of time for the session. This will allow you to keep your baby awake before arriving to the studio so we can keep them asleep. I do not shoot newborns on weekends, those times are reserved for other sessions, unless you are coming from out of town, then if the time is available we will book it early in the morning or late in the afternoon. If your baby has siblings in that are school aged or if the Saturday time doesn’t work for you, I will always open up Sunday for our newborn babies!!

How do we pick my session day?

When you first arrive home and are comfortably situated give us a call and let us know that they have arrived, heck send us a message at the hospital, just don’t worry about contacting us between contractions, you have bette, more important things to do…(like meeting your new little raisin!!)

What can I expect at my session?


When you arrive at the studio, please come on in, the entire studio is yours for that time. My home is your home. I’ll ask that you get baby down to a diaper and cover them up with a blanket from home to make them nice and relaxed. Once this is done, I ask for an immediate feeding to get the fun started.

How long will my session last?

I schedule a newborn session for 2-4 hours, some take the entire time to get to sleep and get working, some barely take anytime. But I want to make sure that I have the shots that you are going to love from your session. I’m extremely patient and will wait any feeding, diaper change, cuddle calm down, or my personal favorite, wide awake newborn…Mainly because I get the best snuggles when they are awake;)

On the Day of Your Shoot & a Few Days Before

If you can, please try to keep your little one stimulated and awake an hour before your session begins. I find that a bath usually does the trick.

Also on the day of the shoot, please feed the baby before they arrive at the studio. Even if you are running a little late, I would rather you feed them at home and then get into the car for the ride over, that allows the mile to settle and helps with possible gas pains. Just call or text me if you are running behind.

Please file your little ones nails, babies finger nails are like little razor blades and with their hands being open during the pictures, I don’t want them to to scratch their little face. Also with their nails being so thin and fragile, I don’t recommend you clip them with clippers.

Breast Feeding Mom Info

Breast fed baby warning, if you are breast feeding, you have already learned that gas is an issue. You might have already discovered that what you eat directly effects your little one. With that said, if you can stay away from the following 72 hours prior to your newborn session it will go that much smoother: 

Dairy Products- Dairy products can cause okay reflux in newborns, its completely common, but babies have reflux we move slower with because once baby has an reflux episode it can be very difficult to sooth them again. So ANYTHING we can do to reduce the chance is great!

Caffeine- Please DO NOT drink caffeine 72 hours prior to your session if you are breastfeeding. Starbucks comes later in life. I have been photographing newborns for over 18 years and have seen first hand how alert and away a newborn can be once it steals some of mommy’s caffeine through her breast milk.


Where do you photograph newborns?

I am super proud of this, we have a dedicated studio to photograph your newborn. This studio is complete with every headband, or knitted prop your heart could desire. A changing table for between outfit changing, a rocking chair and bottle warmer for feeding, and best of all… a comfy couch for mom and dad to cat nap while the session is taking place. God knows you need some sleep.

What do my baby and I need to wear to our session?

I get asked this so many times, and its really simple, bring the baby and and the diaper, leave the clothing up to us. Feel free to bring anything that you might find cute on Etsy or and family heirloom or important item you want showcased in your newborn portraits. But as far as outfits, we have EVERYTHING that your heart could desire. Hats, bows, wraps… I have a serious shopping problem. As for newborn outfits, I know its extremely cute, but a newborn session is primarily naked or wrapped baby, and there is a reason. The size “Newborn” is a guesstimate… Babies are born everyday at different sizes, different weights.. Our outfit will..9 times out of 10 be too big for your little one. Now if was an outfit your heart was set on, or maybe something that you wore as a newborn, I will definitely do my best to create something beautiful with it, but primarily your little one will wrapped up warm, propped up securely and all around comfortable to keep them asleep.

The Newborn Studio

The studio will be set to 80-85 degrees, with a heater and a heating pad. It’s my goal to make the room as much like the womb as possible. I will have a loud heart beat playing that will be extremely similar to the one they listened too for last 39-40 weeks. I do lay them on a heating pad under 3-4 covers set on medium to low heat, and yes it help put them asleep, but in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM should you let them sleep on a heating pad overnight. It can be very dangerous for your little one.

I have water bottles at the studio, I have a coffee bar for the parents, complimentary snacks, I can even put on a game for dad in the theatre room, chances are this is going to be a marathon, not sprint. I take my time and move slow with your baby, their comfort and safety is my number one priority. I have a glider, chair and couch in the newborn studio so you can relax and watch, I also have one in the lobby in case it gets too hot for you, and another in the theatre room, to sit back, watch a movie and enjoy a free baby sitter. Many parents have chosen this time to nap…okay..many Dads have.

Feel free to bring your laptop or iPad to watch a movie or play on the internet. We also have a TV with netflix for the kids. We have Wi-Fi for you to use as well. Once you get there, I will totally take over, so you can just sit back and enjoy the session, that is until its time for a feeding or skin to skin to calm baby down between scene changes.

What if my baby has Jaundice?

If your baby has Jaundice, its best to wait until the Jaundice has completely left their system. The orange in their skin is extremely hard to photoshop out, along with the red splotches as the jaundice is leaving. So its much better to wait. I have photographed newborn sessions up to 4 weeks old, so waiting isn’t the worst thing ever. Just leave them in the sunlight and when its all cleared up, we can make your session happen.

What to Bring to Your Session

  • Diapers and Wipes

    Accidents happen.  Always be prepared.  Come with a backup of multiple diapers. Multiple as in way more than you think you may need. (That goes for wipes, too!)

  • Clothing for the whole family

    Please dress the baby in loose, comfortable clothing to avoid any imprints on their delicate skin.  It’s also advisable to not secure the diaper tightly for the same reason. Did I mention accidents? Bring a change of clothes for you, your spouse and your baby.  There are always moments of little accidents when parents are posing with their naked baby so an extra outfit will come in handy. Note, too, that the studio is set to a toasty 80 degree temperature to keep the baby nice and warm.  Plan to wear layers so you are comfortable.

  • Pacifiers

    During the session, I am moving your baby around, tucking things under them, and picking them up and wrapping them, etc. That is why I always recommend and encourage a pacifier – even if it is the only time you use a pacifier EVER. It will help make the shoot go more smoothly.

  • Feeding- Supplies

    Bring bottles, formula, breast milk etc. for your shoot, enough to go through two or three feedings. We have a refrigerator that you have access to for storing should you need. If you arrive to the studio and baby is awake, I will most likely ask you to feed them before we start. A full bellied baby sleeps so much better.

    If you’re nursing bring extra bottles for your session. We I dont want any empty bellies during the session, and I live by this motto…”You can NEVER have too much milk!!!

Newborn Sessions
from $100.00